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ID badge is the final confirmation

The family of September 11 victim Boyd Gatton are to travel to New York to collect his works identification badge after it was found among the rubble at Ground Zero.

His sister Pauline O'Connor said she had been notified by recovery workers at Staten Island, where much of the World Trade Center debris is being sorted, that her brother's picture ID card had been found.

She said: “For us, that was basically confirmation. I think it was particularly hard for my daughters. “It's my intention to go up there at a later time and retrieve it. It will be hard to look at it, but I think we want to bring it back to Bermuda. It's particularly important to our mother.” Boyd, 39, was working at Fiduciary Trust on the 97th floor of the second of the Twin Towers to be hit by suicide plane hijackers last September. His body has never been found.