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Imagine Bermuda enjoys bipartisan support

Community Affairs Minister Dale Butler and his Opposition counterpart Louise Jackson were this week united in support of the community initiative Imagine Bermuda 2009.

The pair appeared with Imagine committee members Glenn Fubler, Susan Douglas and Michael Ashton, as they reminded the public of their first community dialogue.

The town hall meeting takes place at Penno's Wharf Reception Centre at 7 p.m. tomorrow and will be facilitated by Janet Ferguson.

"The Ministry supports this community initiative to build a better Bermuda, to see much more unity in the community," Mr. Butler said.

And Mrs. Jackson praised the initiative as an "outstanding and important opportunity for every Bermudian".

"Encouraging all of our people, regardless of race, religious or political beliefs to honour our shared history and building toward a better future is a necessary step in uniting our people and healing the divisions that continue to plague our country," she said.

Mr. Fubler said tomorrow's town hall meeting was for St. George's residents and stakeholders and would differ from usual town hall meetings in that it would be facilitated in a manner which gives everyone a say and does away with "soap-boxing".

"Each and every participant will have some input and everybody will have something to say and something to share," he said.

Bermudians tend to reduce complaining to an art form, he said, but the meetings will focus instead on a positive and shared vision of the future.

Imagine Bermuda 2009 is encouraging residents to mark the 400th anniversary of the settling of the Island and the 50th anniversary of the Theatre Boycott.