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Impersonation no laughing matter

Impersonation of Immigration officers is not uncommon, according to Chief Immigration Officer Martin Brewer.

Dr. Brewer made the comment after Bermuda Island Cruises president Donald Morris received a phone call from someone purporting to be from the Department of Immigration.

The caller said that Immigration could make life difficult for the company if Mr. Brannon did not tone down his humour-laced criticisms of Bermuda politics and politicians at his Hawkins Island ?Don?t Stop the Carnival? party. Somebody obviously doesn?t like some of the humour I use down there,? Mr. Brannon said yesterday.

?Donald asked me to consider toning it down and I said to myself ?f*** that? ? since we can use the F-word now.?

When contacted Dr. Brewer assured Mr. Brannon that no one had been authorised to call the company from Immigration and that the caller was not an Immigration officer.

The saga sparked some chatter on one Internet forum about a culture of fear surrounding Immigration?s work permit regime.

Dr. Brewer went on to say in e-mail that Immigration was ?not in the business of suppressing freedom of speech or any other freedom?.

?The department is very well aware of people?s rights and does its best to protect those rights when dealing with our customers? needs.?

He added that ?many unscrupulous employers? used work permits as a weapon against employees who don?t ?toe the line?.