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Independence: 'When we go again, we will win'

PREMIER Ewart Brown has hinted Government is prepared to hold a referendum on Independence — but only after Bermudians are “educated” on the issue.And the British Broadcasting Corporation has also quoted Dr. Brown as claiming Bermudians wanted a Premier that is “stubborn enough to move them towards Independence”.

In an interview with the Caribbean Media Corporation in Trinidad, Dr. Brown (piced)<$> claimed that Government was in the process of “undoing the mindset” of people who believed the island’s success was dependent on retaining ties with Britain.

He added that Independence was inevitable but that racism needed “to be fixed before we can have a fair and reasonable vote on Independence”.

And he said that breaking links with the UK will not be an issue at the next election as “some things that were done need to be undone in order for us to be in the right position”.

“You might know that in 1995 there was a referendum in Bermuda that actually failed — people voted against Independence,” Dr. Brown was quoted as saying.

“Of course, my party abstained, but when we go again we will win and we cannot risk the chance that we would lose the vote for Independence.

“Undoubtedly for me, Independence is inevitable. Bermuda will not be isolated in that regard. Our political development says that one day our country will be politically independent.

“People in the past have tied race to the success or failure of Independence. Bermuda is a country where the economic success has been connected by some people to political dependence and so we have to undo that mind set and we are in the process of doing that as we speak.

“We are educating people that economic and political success can be equivalent to and connected to political independence and so that what we are doing.

“We are showing people that our Government can lead and can lead without interference or coaching from London or anywhere else.

“Race is a problem everywhere on the planet. In Bermuda it’s a huge factor — that’s one of the things that has to be fixed before we can have a fair and reasonable vote on Independence.”

Asked when he thought Bermuda would become Independent, the Premier replied: “I don’t have a crystal ball. I don’t know when, but I know it will happen.”

When questioned about the Premier’s remarks yesterday, spokesman Scott Simmons said: “There was no speech made and there are no prepared remarks to send to you.”

The revelation marks a shift in Government’s position. Although Dr. Brown has refused to be drawn on the issue in the past, former Premier Alex Scott was against holding a referendum on Independence, repeatedly insisting that a decision could be reached at a General Election.

Yesterday, the Opposition United Bermuda Party claimed the issue should be settled as soon as possible and questioned why the public needed to be educated on the matter. It pointed out that in 2005, Government spent $300,000 of taxpayer’s money investigating the pros and cons of Independence in a drive to inform the public.

Deputy Opposition Leader Michael Dunkley said: “We call on the Premier to specifically commit his Government to deciding the issue of Independence through a referendum.

“We say to him: Don’t be afraid of the will of the people. Trust them. Trust their judgment. Trust their collective wisdom.

“A referendum provides a clear measure of the people’s judgment on a specific issue. It is a very healthy method of exercising the democratic will.

“Right now, the Premier is beating about the bush talking about the need to educate Bermudians to his pro-Independence position.

“The Government last year spent hundreds of thousands of dollars educating the people with the findings of the Bermuda Independence Commission, and it was clear in a series of subsequent polls that the vast majority of people made up their minds on the issue, one way or the other.

“Dr. Brown is implying that he intends to spend more money to manipulate the people to his party’s position. It’s a ‘we know best’ mentality — which presumes that the people don’t.

“We say: Respect the people. Let them decide and let’s move on.”

The news was welcomed by pressure group Bermudians For a Referendum, which collected more than 15,000 signatures in support of a referendum on Independence last year.

But spokesperson Pat Ferguson questioned why the Premier was delaying a referendum, adding that the public were being denied their say.

And she also expressed concern that the Premier was willing to discuss the issue when overseas, but seemed reluctant to raise the debate in Bermuda.

“Bermudians For A Referendum maintain their stance on the issue of a referendum on independence, Ms Ferguson said.

“People are still asking, ‘when is it going to happen?’ Dr. Brown’s interview reads like his comments after the last election - ‘we had to deceive you to win the election’.

“He states that the issue of Independence may not be one that could be discussed in the campaign for the pending General Election as ‘some things that were done need to be undone in order for us to be in the right position’.

“More than 15,000 people signed the petition for a referendum on Independence. Therefore, it seems that, with such a large number wanting a referendum, the Government is unsure of its true standing in the voting community.

“Therefore, they will once again lie, deceive, misinform, double-talk, flaunt the race card or do whatever it takes to hoodwink the public to vote for them, and then dump not a referendum, but independence in their laps. This Government has deceived the people in the past and they will deceive the people in the future.

“Dr. Brown states that race is also a major issue that impeded the island’s move towards Independence in the past, and that in Bermuda, it is a huge factor and that it is one of the things that has to be fixed before we can have a fair and reasonable vote on independence.

“Well, from where I sit, when you have the likes of David Burch calling people house niggers, and the Premier himself implying that Dr. Grant Gibbons is a ‘racist dog’, it’s no wonder we have a race problem.

“When it comes to democracy, a referendum is the democratic way to go. If we go Independent by any other means, we are in a dictatorship.”

Premier:<\p>‘When we go again, we will win’