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Island escapes bad weather unscathed

No damage was reported and only one boat broke its moorings during yesterday morning's stormy weather.

Strong, unexpected gusts ran across the Island with winds peaking at about 40 knots at about 2 a.m. The strong winds stayed in the area as a cold front, mixed with rain, passed by Bermuda.

American Airlines flight 1444, due to arrive at about 10.10 a.m., was diverted back to New York City after crosswinds were reported at the Bermuda International Airport. The flight arrived yesterday afternoon and departed within the hour.

And the 25-foot cabin cruiser Sea Bird was rescued by Marine Police yesterday as it floated toward the Causeway. A representative of the boat's owner, whose off the Island, began contacting local contractors to move the boat after Police secured it.

Bermuda Weather Service meteorologist Declan O'Connell was on-duty when the cold front slammed into the Island. He said: "It's quite a difficult thing to say what will happen on a cold front. Until the front got within 30 or 40 miles, we were within what we had forecast." Mr. O'Connell said a gale-force warning had been issued and was convinced the cold front's strength came from the showers accompanying it.