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Island firm to help design WTC site

A local landscaping company will be lending its expertise to help design a park that will be built near the World Trade Centre site in Manhattan.

As a member of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America(ALCA), Sousa's Landscape Management Company recently met with landscape design professionals to create the design for a park, according to a press release.

The site is located in Lower Manhattan, New York a few blocks from Ground Zero.

The President of Sousa's Landscape Management Company, Jefferson Sousa said: "We are honoured to be part of this significant contribution to the citizens of Lower Manhattan and to be able to lend our design expertise."

The site for the park is were firefighters, police, and the Red Cross staged their activities during the clean-up efforts. The site is more than half an acre in size.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for ALCA members to work together," Mr. Sousa said.

"This is an industry that has the unusual capability of putting competition aside and working together. We also have a sincere passion for this project."

The park is due to be completed by September 11, 2004 it will be donated to the heroes of September 11.

The ALCA represents about 2,800 members from the United States, Bermuda, Canada, England, West Indies, and Australia.