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Island Major works `up country' in Sierra Leone

A Bermuda Regiment officer is part of an international military mission to Sierra Leone, attempting to rebuild the war-torn country's armed forces.

Major Brian Gonsalves, former aide-de-camp, is the operations and training officer for a British brigade and works with Commonwealth officers from Australia and South Africa.

"It's an honour that we're able to send someone on such an important mission and it is part of the direction that the (Regiment Review 2000) asked us to go in," Lieutenant Colonel David Gibbons told The Royal Gazette last night.

"(Major Gonsalves) duties will be to provide military and specialist advice to the commanding officer and it will involve supervising the battalion's training programme and the cadre courses," said Lt. Col. Gibbons.

Major Gonsalves' last assignment was officer commanding of Bermuda's Training Company and Recruit Training Team - the group responsible for Recruit Camp.

Lt. Col. Gibbons said of Major Gonsalves current mission: "This is an important role in assisting the rebuilding an essential part of the infrastructure in Sierra Leone."

Major Gonsalves left the Island in late October for the six-month deployment.

When asked how this deployment came about, Lt. Col. Gibbons said he and staff officer Major Rupert Lucas visited the UK Ministry of Defence earlier this year.

"At which time we enquired if there were positions the Bermuda Regiment may be able to assist with filling in either United Nations roles or as in this mission," he said.

Lt. Col. Gibbons said this Sierra Leone deployment and the recent Operation Jebel Sahara to Morocco, were organised in the same trip.

"In the middle part of this year, an assessor from the Ministry came to Bermuda to have a look at our infrastructure and he was impressed with our level of ability to train," he added.

Writing to The Royal Gazette via email, Major Gonsalves said: "I'm a brigade advisor with direct responsibility for our Defence Company, Fire Support Company, Reserve Company, Brigade Training Wing and soon another company, which will be responsible for the security of a nearby district.

"Everything is going will. I've so far spent ten days `up country' with the troops.

"My initial impressions are that they (Sierra Leone Army soldiers) are all very committed and dedicated to the SLA and are serving with dignity.

"They are willing to listen and learn from all the advisors. The SLA are operating with the very basic kit (equipment) and the attitude is to make due with what we have in order to achieve our missions.

"Up country, there are no computers, no faxes, no telephones and stationary is treated like gold.

"Carbon paper is treated like your best friend and the words `float file' takes on a new meaning out here," he said.

Major Gonsalves will be getting time off for the holidays but will not return home until next year.