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'It is time to ignite fire of African heritage'

Pleased to meet you: Premier Ewart Brown shakes hands with Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

The Premier told a Bahamian conference that Bermuda was ready to lead the way and ensure that an African Diaspora Heritage Trail moved from words to actions.

He encouraged attendees at the African Heritage Diaspora Trail Conference (AHDT) to implement new ideas in their home countries that will link African culture around the world through creative tourism platforms.

In his address to the conference, which was attended by 28 countries, Dr. Ewart Brown said: "The academics and the dreamers have synergized their talents and have built a road map. Now it is time to use that road map to take the idea of AHDT into a new frontier.

"It is now time to act; the ground work is laid like little pieces of twigs at a campsite. It is now time to ignite the fire of African heritage in tourism circles around the world. It is time to work.

"Bermuda is ready to lead in this effort. Our commitment to African Diaspora Heritage Trail is strong."

He added: " When this platform was launched from the mind of a great Bermudian back in 2001 it seemed so far sighted, so pie in the sky. How were we going to link African heritage around the world as part of a tourism initiative? And furthermore how could a white man be the leading force behind this African-inspired project?

"That white man was the late David Allen.

"He was a former Minister of Tourism.

"He was a Bermudian who loved Africa as much as he loved his own country."

The current conference is the third international meeting featuring government officials, tourism professionals, academics and historians from around the world.

The fourth conference will be held in Bermuda July 26 to July 30, 2008.

The African Diaspora Heritage Trail is a transnational heritage tourism initiative committed to developing heritage destinations that convey the rich, diverse stories of the peoples of Africa and the Diaspora through their own artistic expressions, written and oral histories.

During his stay in Bahamas the Premier met with Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and former Prime Minister of Jamaica P.J. Patterson.

He also visited the Bahamas House of Parliament while it was in session

The Premier returns to Bermuda on Friday.