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It's a washout

Even a morning of non-stop raining could not stop about 75 die-hards who made their way down to Horseshoe Bay yesterday for an afternoon - at least - of kite-flying and fun.

But the rain was enough to prompt officials to officially cancel the Annual Kite Flying Competition at Horseshoe for what promoter Sherri (J) Simmons said was the first time in recorded history. The competition usually attracts more than 6,000 residents and visitors to the beach for a day of music, dance, fish-cakes and, of course, kite-flying.

"We made the decision to get it out to the media that it had been cancelled around eight-ish," said Ms Simmons. "It was based on the long-range forecast."

To those who were down there, the fact that the competition had been cancelled did not seem to matter much.

"This is my first time flying a kite," said Mindy Benjamin, from Philadelphia. "We're having trouble keeping them up but I'm having lots of fun."

Stormy weather on Thursday also helped sink four boats Harbour Radio reported.

A spokesman said Marine Police were called out to the Coney Island/Ferry Reach area on Friday morning where the four were either already sunk or sinking.

Meteorologist Elizabeth Nelson said nearly two inches of rain fell between Thursday and Friday afternoon while 39 knot winds were recorded.

Kite flying near the airport has been banned to ensure kitesdon't endanger aircraft.

The no fly zones are Kindley Field park, Kindley Field Road, Clearwater Beach, Southside and Ferry Reach.