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Jilted man hid under his former girlfriend?s bed

A man has admitted prowling around his ex-girlfriend's house ? and at one point breaking in and hiding under a bed.

Kingsley Freedom Campbell's lawyer Rick Woolridge Jr. told Magistrates' Court his client found it hard to get over his relationship with victim Tamaschica Cann.

"This is a case where Cupid has shot two arrows ? one impaling Mr. Campbell in the heart and the other his cranium," he said.

"He's had difficulty letting go of this relationship, in which he's invested lots of time, lots of emotion, and lots of money."

Crown counsel Graveney Bannister told the court the victim lived in Middle Road, Warwick, with her 14-year-old daughter. She ended a 14-month relationship with Campbell in April 2006, and made it clear she wanted no further involvement with him.

"Since then, he has been constantly harassing the complainant," said Mr. Bannister.

He said that on August 7, Ms Cann secured her home in the morning, but returned that evening to find the latches on her bedroom window tampered with.

Whilst inspecting her daughter's bedroom, she found the defendant hiding underneath her daughter's bed, which he had elevated to accommodate his body by placing a single brick under each leg, said Mr. Bannister.

Ms Cann ran away, but Campbell chased her and grabbed a telephone from her hands before seizing a 12 inch kitchen knife and threatening to harm himself.

During a later struggle, Campbell pushed Ms Cann up against a stone wall causing abrasions to her arms. She eventually escaped to her mother's nearby house and he ran off.

On October 2, said Mr. Bannister, Ms Cann saw Campbell outside her home, and reported this to the Police. Two days later she was asleep in her bedroom when she woke to find him outside, pleading with her to drop previous charges.

Mr. Bannister said Campbell had previous convictions for similar offences and expressed concern that such incidents had the potential to "escalate into a further form of violence, or even death."

Campbell, of Princess Street, St. George's, admitted prowling around the house of Ms Cann on October 2 and October 4, entering a house without lawful excuse on August 7 and assaulting Ms Cann causing bodily harm on August 8.

Mr. Woolridge asked the court to take a "humanitarian" stance and consider imposing a fine and probation.

Campbell ? who has been on remand in custody for a month over the charges ? said he was deeply sorry.

Asked by Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo if he was now over Ms Cann, he replied: "No woman or man is worth being incarcerated for, especially for a domestic thing. Love comes and goes."

He said he wanted to put the incidents behind him and move on with his life and job as a sub-contractor. Handing him the two year probation order, Mr. Tokunbo said one of the conditions was no contact whatsoever with the victim.