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Pedal power: Roland Meadows stays fit, saves money and gets to work in minutes on his push bikephoto by tamell

omputer designer Roland Meadows (pictured) was used to pedalling to work before he arrived in Bermuda around two and a half years ago and saw no reason to change ? despite the unforgiving heat.

He said: ?When I first got here I could not believe how much traffic there was for such a tiny place.?

The 35-year-old Englishman bikes the six kilometres to Hamilton from his Store Hill, Smith?s home in around 12 minutes.

Which is comparable, if not quicker, than on the days he takes his scooter as he can nip through the build up at the Palmetto Road roundabout with ease.

Bermuda?s narrow roads have put many people off push bikes but Mr. Meadows has had no serious accidents although he has been clipped by a wing mirror from a passing woman driver and has been buzzed a couple of times by young scooter riders.

His main hazard is avoiding pedestrians using the roads because there are no footpaths.

?I have to move out as well, I don?t have mirrors on my bike so I have to be careful.?

He recommends cycling and has saved a small fortune on gas and insurance after buying his main mode of transport brand new for $360.

?People should definitely explore it, if you are not sure then wear a helmet.?