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Latecomers tax Ground?s patience

A construction worker was remanded in custody for appearing in court nine months late for trial and three other men were warned if they were late to court again they too would be imprisoned.

Jamaican national Hartis Graham, 33, was arrested on a bench warrant and brought to Supreme Court?s arraignment?s session on Tuesday in handcuffs because he failed to appear in court on March 23.

?I?ve been in the same place here,? Graham said after Chief Justice Richard Ground asked him where he had been. ?My name was not called in court. I went to the Registry on Front Street and they said they would send me a letter.?

However, Mr. Justice Ground was not satisfied that Graham had made adequate attempts to sort out his missed trial date and remanded him in custody to appear for mention on December 1, for a new trial date to be fixed.

?Take him down please,? the Chief Justice told Prison Officers before a Devonshire teenager arrived in court.

Ryan Sidney Burgess, 18, of Devon Spring Lane, narrowly averted having a warrant put out for his arrest after he appeared two minutes late for arraignments because he went to the wrong court.

Both Burgess and his co-accused Kenneth O?Brian Caines, 20, of Pembroke were set down to be sentenced on December 19.

Caines was accused of two counts of unlawfully wounding with the attempt to do grievous bodily harm, one count of robbery and one count of possession of an offensive weapon on November 29, 2003.

Howard Tyrone Darrell, 41, of Sandys spent most of Tuesday in a prison cell because he overslept and said a taxi did not arrive on time.

?He did turn up, albeit late,? defence lawyer Peter Farge said.

?I could take your bail away,? Mr. Justice Ground warned. ?I will if you are ever late again. I accept the apology and excuse offered by your counsel. Never let it happen again.?

Darrell ? who is charged with stealing over $4,600 in a series of thefts in January ? had his bail extended and he was ordered to appear at 10 a.m. on December 1 for a trial date to be set.

And Jerkeyo David Berkeley said he thought he had to go to court at 2.30 p.m. not 10 a.m.

His lawyer Elizabeth Christopher said Berkeley came of his own volition.

Crown counsel Cindy Clarke asked for a surety to be put on his bail, but Mr. Justice Ground said it would cause unnecessary paperwork.

Berkeley, 26, of Alexandra Road, Devonshire, was charged with two counts of robbery and entering a dwelling house with the intent to commit a felony on April 15, 2004. He was also charged with escaping lawful custody on June 10 and attempting to pervert the course of justice on June 13.

He too had his bail extended to appear for mention on December 1.