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Legislation tabled to protect threatened animals and plants

Environment Minister Neletha Butterfield
Minister of the Environment Neletha Butterfield tabled the Protected Species Act 2003.The Act includes laws for the protection of both animals and plants that are endemic species of Bermuda.Ms Butterfield said the purpose of the Bill was to provide a framework for taking measures to ensure the protection of threatened indigenous species of plants, animals, bird and marine life. She spoke about the Bermuda Skink, the Cahow or Bermuda Petrel, seahorses, two species of crabs and the longtail, which is losing its nesting sites to both erosion and the feral pigeon. She said all in all there were more than 8,000 species that would be on the final list.

Minister of the Environment Neletha Butterfield tabled the Protected Species Act 2003.

The Act includes laws for the protection of both animals and plants that are endemic species of Bermuda.

Ms Butterfield said the purpose of the Bill was to provide a framework for taking measures to ensure the protection of threatened indigenous species of plants, animals, bird and marine life. She spoke about the Bermuda Skink, the Cahow or Bermuda Petrel, seahorses, two species of crabs and the longtail, which is losing its nesting sites to both erosion and the feral pigeon. She said all in all there were more than 8,000 species that would be on the final list.

The Bill will also give authority to Police officers, park rangers, conservation officers and anyone else appointed in writing by the Ministry of the Environment. The Bill also gives the Minister the power to make an order declaring any species, plant or animal as a protected species. In addition, the Minister will be able to issue licences for scientific research, that would otherwise be restricted under the Bill.