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Lister: Project puts students on path to success

There is living proof that a wall sitter can find purpose in life Minister of Education Terry Lister said in the House of Assembly on Friday.

The Minister presented details of the progress and achievement of young Bermudians in the Tech Quest 2000 project.

The Minister said the Tech Quest 2000 Project ? The Next Generation Programme, is an important initiative of the National Training Board (NTB).

?This is an innovative and progressive programme that creates pathways for the advancement of young Bermudians,? the Minister said.

In partnership with business, universities, and colleges, the project, Mr. Lister said, is a continuum of development that builds on the certificate and associate degree development of technician practitioners.

It is the Government?s expectation and the project?s purpose, the Minister explained, for the participants to acquire university level degrees in technology, advanced technology, and technology education.

The project is also designed to help participants acquire university level degrees in technology management and workforce development to maintain Bermuda?s sophisticated infrastructure.

?The resultant benefits are improved levels of employment and enhanced financial and social prosperity,? the Minister said.

?In 2002, I realised there were few scholarships or other forms of financial assistance set aside for those individuals who wished to pursue university programmes in technology and related fields.?

The emphasis was more on the academic or traditional realm he said.

?The void needed to be filled as limited access, opportunity and prospects for advancement for the technology student were altogether unacceptable.?

As a consequence the Tech Quest 2000 Project was created the Minister said.

The Tech Quest 2000 Project has achieved extraordinary success he added.

?There is living proof that a high-school dropout and a wall sitter can also find opportunity and purpose in life and assail remarkable heights of achievement,? Mr. Lister said.

Mr. John Outerbridge could have been a social casualty statistic, instead the Minister said, with NTB assistance he obtained the Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in May 2004.

Currently he is a candidate for the Doctor of Philisophy degree in Optical Science and Engineering at the University of Alabama, Huntsville.