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Live donations on the rise

Surgeon Dr. John Powelson is performing an increasing number of live kidney donor transplants due to improved techniques which can see donors back at work in days.

The surgeon said family members were more frequently stepping up to donate a kidney to a relative on a list because the recovery time can now be drastically reduced with the laparoscopic procedure, which calls for a much smaller incision.

He said of the live donors coming through now, he mostly used the laparoscopic technique.

He said: "More people are willing to donate now because of this technique.

"The waiting list is growing hugely for kidneys and there is a huge disparity between the number of cadaver donors and people needing kidneys, so live donors are much needed.

"The big thing for donors is that they are often healthy, working people. Sometimes donating a kidney can take quite a bit of recovery time, and it can take two to three months before you go back to work and that can be a problem.

"But with laparoscopic, four to six weeks off work is reasonable. I have had some people go back within a week.

"That is the impetus and people are stepping up to donate now. In 2000 the amount of living donors increased quite a bit.

"The laparoscopic procedure has made it possible for some people who were on the fence."