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Man admits to ?stupidly? breaking into car

A 25-year-old Devonshire man told the court yesterday that he was ?stupid? for breaking into a car and stealing a handful of coins and car cigarette lighter. Appearing in Magistrates? Court, Michael Khalid Curtis pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 12 months.

Crown counsel Nicole Smith told the court that a groundsman drove to the sports stadium at about 3.40 a.m. on Monday to drop off some equipment. She said he had left his daughter?s car parked at Bernard?s Park on Marsh Folly Road.

While sitting in his van the groundsman was approached by an unknown male who asked for a lighter. She said he noticed another man standing behind the vehicle and the two men walked away together. Ms Smith said he became suspicious and called the Police before driving to check on his daughter?s car.

Police arrived on the scene and spotted Curtis running away.

Curtis told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that he had been laid off from a job at Aerial Sands. ?It?s the first time I?ve done something like this,? he said.