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Man attempted to stop burglar from escaping

A householder told the Supreme Court yesterday that her brother blocked a driveway to stop a burglar from escaping.

Lynn Burrows had been woken up by loud banging noises at her Smith's apartment she shared with brother Quinton on March 17 last year.

And she then identified accused man Brian Carlton Rogers as trying to flee the premises.

Rogers, 43, formerly of Wellington Hill, St. George's, has pleaded not guilty to three charges including stealing Belmida Hunt's car worth $8,000, between March 15 and 16 and building breaking and causing $60 damaging to two washing machines belonged to Lynn and Quinton Burrows on March 17.

She told the nine-woman, three-man jury that Rogers, who she had known since high school more than 30 years earlier, had come to her South Breakers Road apartment the day before to look for her brother who was not in.

Then she heard banging between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. the following night coming from her washroom below. She began to go to investigate but then the banging stopped.

After she returned to her bedroom it started up again. She got up again and met her brother in the hallway and they called 911.

She then looked out the window and saw a figure and a grey Subaru used by Rogers the day before when he tried to visit her brother.

She saw the figure move to the car and fetch something before moving back to the laundry room which had coin-operated machines for tenants.

Ms Burrows handed her car keys to her brother who blocked off the driveway before heading down the hill to flag down Police.

She went out and Rogers then asked her about the car blocking the way and she stalled for time before he got in her car, moved it and then drove the Subaru away.

Detective Constable Wayne Gaskin told the court that after Police arrested Rogers on March 29, they found a selection of coins, dirty clothing, a torch and a transistor radio in his knapsack.

The trial is being heard by Assistant Justice Archibald Warner.