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Marine Police station could be ordered to move

Top- level talks are underway about the future of the Marine Police building at Barr?s Bay Park.Corporation of Hamilton secretary, Kelly Miller, has confirmed the Corporation is considering developing the site where the building is located. Ms Miller said: ?The Corporation has reviewed all of its properties and it is believed that Barr?s Bay is a good development site.?

Top- level talks are underway about the future of the Marine Police building at Barr?s Bay Park.

Corporation of Hamilton secretary, Kelly Miller, has confirmed the Corporation is considering developing the site where the building is located. Ms Miller said: ?The Corporation has reviewed all of its properties and it is believed that Barr?s Bay is a good development site.?

The current lease is held by the Ministry of Works and Engineering and will expire in 2008.

?We have held discussions with Government regarding the Marine Police remaining in the building beyond the end of their lease.?

A number of people have already expressed an interest in the waterfront property. Ms Miller added: ?We?ve heard from people interested in that site, however we are not in a position to say what those interests are at the moment.?

Ms Miller refused to tell the if the development plans were limited to the building or if there would be further development within the public park once improvements to the area have been completed.