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Meningitis scare at preschool

Amid reports that a toddler who attended Adventure Land Nursery and Pre-School in Warwick has been diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, Bermuda's Chief Medical Officer is advising parents not to panic.

While he refused to discuss the situation in depth, Dr. John Cann told The Royal Gazette: "I can confirm that a case was reported to the Government by the patient's doctor."

After hearing of the case, which has left the child, believed to be two or three years old, hospitalised, Dr. Cann said: "A decision was taken to advise parents to keep an eye out for symptoms such as fever, illness, and irritability."

Although there have been no further reports of meningitis at the Warwick school, as a precaution, Dr. Cann said both students and teachers there will be given medication to prevent the potential further spread of the infection.

Efforts to contact the head teacher at Adventureland proved unsuccessful by presstime.