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Millionaire staged own shooting ? claim

A bizarre set of circumstances surrounding the alleged fake shooting of multi-millionaire Tucker?s Town home owner John Donovan Sr. has been laid before a superior court in the US.

Prosecutors claim the businessman shot holes through his clothes and then put them on to make it appear he had been shot. He is also alleged to have shifted the position of a CCTV camera so it would not record the alleged assassination attempt.

But one thing prosecutors say he did not do was take out of his coat pocket a handwritten ?to do? note he had prepared covering aspects of his alleged shooting. The note was found by Police officers investigating the crime last December in a parking lot in Massachusetts.

These details have been included in a 17-page statement filed by Middlesex County prosecutors this week after Donovan was arraigned to appear in court on June 20.

He has been charged with filing a false police report after allegedly staging his own shooting in the parking lot of his Massachusetts company Cambridge Executive Enterprises.

A not guilty plea has been entered on behalf of Donovan. The misdemeanour charge caries a maximum penalty of one year in jail.

Donovan, 64, owns Winsor House, near Ross Perot?s property in Tucker?s Town, but does not live on the Island. It is also thought he has a number of Trust fund interests based in Bermuda.

In a statement of the case filed at the Superior Court in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, it is claimed Donovan carried out the hoax shooting to ?frame? his son James Donovan and to gain an advantage in on-going litigation between himself and five of his adult children concerning a Trust worth an estimated $180 million.

Donovan alleged he had been shot by two masked men after he had left his office and got into his white Honda Odyssey van in the parking lot in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

He claimed a number of shots had been fired at close range, one of which caused a superficial wound to his body, the others missing him but leaving bullet holes in his clothes, belt and metal belt buckle.

The prosecution statement alleges inconsistencies such as no bullet holes being found in the van in which Donovan was allegedly shot.

Prosecutors also point to evidence from film from a CCTV camera overlooking the parking lot apparently showing Donovan reaching up to point the camera towards the ceiling before the shooting incident.

The statement says a belt buckle Donovan was wearing, and which he claimed deflected a number of bullets, contained two bullet holes yet the leather belt beneath had three bullet holes.

And the prosecution papers mention two sheets of paper found in the pocket of his jacket which appears to be a handwritten ?to do list? of things related to the shooting including the words ?shells?, ?rifle?, ?gloves?, ?gun?, ?where shot??, ?belt?, ?coat?.

Doug Bailey, a spokesman for four of Donovan?s children, said: ?The depth and complexity of the case laid out by the District Attorney is startling. The Donovan children are afraid for their own safety.?

In a report in the Boston Globe newspaper Donovan?s attorney Barry C. Klickstein said prosecutors were ignoring the fact that Donovan was the victim of a crime and said forensic testing of evidence had been mishandled.

He is reported to have said that when all the evidence is presented Donovan will be acquitted by a jury.