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More lies catch up to jailed pretender

A man who is currently serving nine months in prison for pretending to be a landlord appeared in Magistrates' Court on Tuesday for pretending to be an employer.

Stacy Troy Simmons, 36, of Privateer Road in Warwick pleaded guilty to making false documents and uttering false documents.

Crown counsel Graveney Bannister told the court that Simmons had lied to a female acquaintance - who was working at the time - that there was a job going at a wholesaler, the company where he worked as a warehouse manager.

The mother of three filled out the application form for the job that would have raised her annual income from $30,000 to between $51,000 and $54,000.

Simmons contacted the woman and told her that she had an interview with the managing director.

She was later called and told that the appointment had been cancelled.

Simmons told her that a security check had been done and that she had passed.

She was told that the job as shipping manager would involve a lot of typing and that occasions would arise when she would have to travel abroad.

On September 5, 2001, Simmons brought a letter that said she had received the job. The letter was dated September 4 and was typed on the company's official letterhead and signed by the managing director.

The complainant asked Simmons whether she should quit her current job and he told her yes.

After putting in her resignation, she wanted to find out more about the job and when she was beginning, but could not reach Simmons as every time she rang she was told that he was too busy.

On October 19 she called the company and spoke to a manager who told her that there were no openings for a shipping managers job at the time.

When the managing director saw the letter he knew it was not his signature and telephoned the Police. The woman also filed a complaint with Police.

Simmons, by then serving time at Westgate, admitted to the charges.

Simmons told the court that he was going to change and that it was just something unfortunate that he had done.

Acting Magistrate Justin Williams sentenced Simmons to three months on each charge to run concurrently, but to run consecutive to the nine-month sentence that he is currently serving.