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Mother of senior living in Scotts? property denies report

A radio report suggesting that Premier Alex Scott and his wife will not help an elderly lady find alternative accommodation while the dilapidated house they rent her is refurbished was inaccurate, according to the senior?s daughter.

An introduction to a VSB report last night suggested that 82-year-old Esther Williams will have to find herself a new place while repairs are carried out to her home on Tribe Road Number One, Warwick, which is owned by the Premier?s brother.

However, Sharan Samuels confirmed tothat Mr. and Mrs. Scott have indeed offered assistance to her mother in locating somewhere to live during this period, as we have previously reported.

Mrs. Samuels said that, in a letter received by her mother on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Scott had named a doctor who should be able to help her find a place to live, and had reassured her that she would have the first option to go back to the house once it is repaired.

As first reported on October 7, Mrs. Samuels had previously branded the couple irresponsible landlords for charging her mother $300 of her $582 pension for a home with no bathing facilities and which is plagued by mice and termites.