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MPs to discuss housing

The UBPplans to "spend sometime" on four of the ten points to be raised during today's House of Assembly session, said Opposition Whip Cole Simons.

The UBP is anticipating debate on payroll and housing matters while the other eight items on the Orders of the Day are largely "non-contentious and administrative", said Mr. Cole.

Minister of Finance Eugene Cox is expected to address the Government Fee Amendment Regulations, Payroll Tax Rates and Supplementary Appropriation Act.

Health Minister Nelson Bascome is expected to address the House on a housing amendment to target new maintenance standards for rooming houses.

And there are three motions to be discussed by Environment Minister Dennis Lister, Dale Butler and Maxwell Burgess on the Dog Committee report, library membership and a joint select committee to look into the advantages and disadvantages of CARICOM membership, respectively.

Other legislative matters include three second readings, attached to traffic matters which allow Police to use speed detection cameras on Bermuda's roads and lastly, a consideration of a draft order called The Banks and Deposit Companies (Exemption) Order 2001.