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MPs weigh in on whether 'unique' St. David's should become a parish

MPs debated whether St. David?s should become a parish in the House of Assembly on Friday.However there was no vote after the take note motion.Opposition Leader said , who represents St. David?s and proposed the motion had wanted a vote but Government did not allow substantive debates from the Opposition on matters which might end up incurring costs to the Government.

MPs debated whether St. David?s should become a parish in the House of Assembly on Friday.

However there was no vote after the take note motion.

Opposition Leader said , who represents St. David?s and proposed the motion had wanted a vote but Government did not allow substantive debates from the Opposition on matters which might end up incurring costs to the Government.

Mrs. Roberts-Holshouser said St. David?s Islanders were unique, and they deserved their own parish.

Bermuda originally had eight parishes, but St. George?s became the ninth when it was named after the Island?s founder Sir George Somers.

?What followed was a development of a community ? one today rich in history and sentiment unique to itself,? she said.

The first steam ferry to the mainland did not serve St. David?s until 1895, and it stopped running from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. ? meaning people had to row to St. George?s at other times.

And the first bridge from the west of St. David?s and Stokes Bay was not built until 1934.

?Isolation from the rest of the Island kept islanders close,? she added. ?St. David?s remains steeped in tradition of which we need to recognise ? unique in their ways and their speech, and indeed their names.

?St. David?s Islanders were family. Even today, no matter where they hang their hat, they will tell you they are from St. David?s.

?St. David?s Islanders are unique in their language, looks and behaviour, how many times do we hear you need to be accepted by a St. David?s Islander?

?What makes them unique, their ability to withstand criticism, pride in who they are and where they have come from, history continues to be researched with more evidence of the native American heritage.

?A search of our ancestors that lived on the land and respected the land, Indian heritage which cannot be denied, lives in the souls and spirits of many St. David?s Islanders.

?Bermuda must recognise that there is a sentiment to recognition required for the strife, hard-work, and core of family created in St. David?s because there was no alternative,? Government MP supported the motion, saying St. David?s Islanders had long been the butt of cruel jokes.

Outsiders were always reminded they were townies, and it could take generations of living there before a family was accepted.

?True Bermudians will understand that the uniqueness of St. David?s would lend itself not to separation, but it is simply a cultural shift to make St. David?s Island a parish. I don?t think creating St. David?s a parish would create a problem and it may create an asset.?

St. David?s had long been seen as the ?poor stepchild? of St. George?s, but if it was given its own parish, the pride of the people would swell, said Mr. Perinchief.

Shadow Works and Engineering Minister recalled the great friendliness of St. David?s Islanders when she went there as a child and said the uniqueness should be recognised. UBP MP , whose family come from St. David?s, said the move of native Americans to St. David?s was the only known case of migration to the east from America.

But St. George?s West PLP MP , whose family are from St. David?s, argued against a separate parish, questioning what benefits it would bring.

?Because of it?s uniqueness, St. David?s should remain part of St. George?s Parish,? he said.

He pointed out as many incomers moved to St. David?s for cheaper housing they were told they didn?t have true roots, but they could be a catalyst for change.

?The question should not be about becoming a parish, but about preservation of the unique character of St. David?s.? Original residents should be encouraged to talk proudly about their heritage, which would be a tourism asset.

?Forget about parish and think about possibility. St. David?s needs to remain part of St. George?s,? he said.

?St. David?s was recognised as a constituency, but we still hear a cry for recognition. If St. David?s became a parish, we would still hear the cry for recognition.? Shadow Labour and Home Affairs Minister said the number of people who signed a petition calling for the parish was evidence of the support for the idea.

He said the rest of the Island had much to learn from St. David?s. ?I think we can draw from the strength of St. David?s as a community.

?Love them or hate them, agree with them or disagree with them no one will deny they have the last remnants of a close community.?

Government MPsaid much had been said of the uniqueness of St. David?s but there were numerous places around the Island which could claim the same thing.

He cited cricketing traditions in Tucker?s Town and Devil?s Hole.

?I don?t think St. David?s is that much more unique than other areas.?

He said other areas might push for their own town criers.

Opposition Community Affairs and Sports Shadow Minister said: ?This isn?t about cricket, it?s about people, we should stop playing games with these people.?

She said St. David?s had grown up separately as it had been separated from the rest of Bermuda for three and a quarter centuries.

?You cannot tell me that people on an island separate from the rest of Bermuda for that long are not unique. They should be a parish to themselves. St. David?s Islanders have pride in their culture.?

She said some people believed that the Vs and Ws in the Bermudian dialect derived from stranded Norwegian sailors.

Native Americans brought to St. David?s had contributed to the Gombey tradition said Mrs. Jackson.

?I can?t understand an Island unto itself for three and a quarter centuries can?t be called a parish. They are different, the culture is different, everything is different.?

Opposition MP said there were 423 reasons why St. David?s should be a parish as he brandished a petition with that many names in support.

He said the history of parishes showed they were divided up to give to eight different parties and that St. George?s had been what was left over.

He said the issue had never really been given much thought.

Government MP said people in Dockyard also had local pride but didn?t want to split off.

?We take an opposite view, we feel we want to tear down walls rather than put them up.?

He said if everyone who thought they were unique wanted their own parish there would be many more than ten, in what is a small island.

He said St. David?s contributed to the Island as a whole and were a part of it.

?I don?t wish to divide this country any more than it is.?

If St. David?s Islanders were really that keen on getting their own parish they would have packed the public gallery during the debate said Mr. Lister. Instead it was nearly empty.

?Petitions only go so far,? said Mr. Lister.

Former Premier said she recognised St. David?s special tight knit character.

But she said she wanted to hear more about what the motion would actually achieve. ?What will it bring to St. David?s which doesn?t already exists?? She said people were under the misguided impression it would give the area a right to a mayor and to raise their own taxes.