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Musicians union selects new executive committee

A new executive committee of the musicians union has been selected as it tries to revive itself after being mired in controversy.

This weekend the new body will meet to hammer out plans for an election of a leader.

After lying virtually dormant, the union now has between 30 and 60 members.

Current leader Lloyd Simmons said he was unsure if he would stand or not despite calls for him to step down from the Bermuda Federation of Musicians and Variety Artists.

A recent Government-sponsored report written by Stuart Hayward called on Government to appoint a facilitator to help entertainers rebuild the union after past leaders kept jobs for themselves and stitched up the constitution leading to a loss of support.

Mr. Hayward said the leadership had often abused their positions and kept jobs for themselves.

Union member Tony Brannon said Mr. Simmons had been there too long and should step aside after a long spell at the helm.

Mr. Brannon said: ?It?s nothing personal but he has done nothing for the the union. He should bow out gracefully. None of the new members want him ? white or black.?

Mr. Brannon said he feared Mr. Simmons would insist on a rule that only members with six months membership could vote ? despite a recent agreement that current membership should suffice.

Mr. Simmons said he welcomed the report but said it covered old ground and that action was needed.

He said the main problem was foreign artists taking jobs ? a fact which he said had led to the growth in membership.

?People are more interested now because they are being victimised.

?People who were working two or three nights to supplement their income cannot get work and they are banding together.?

Government was letting in musicians on yearly work permits instead of monthly permits to play pubs and nightclubs said Mr. Simmons ? work which could easily be handled by locals.

He said some Caribbean countries would never let musicians from other countries come in for long spells while in North America the Government would at least have to run it by the union.

He said: ?There is no respect for entertainers here.?