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NDC to be merged into Health Ministry

Health and Family Services Minister Patrice Parris is to explain how the National Drugs Commission is to be merged into her Ministry today.

Government announced on Friday that it will scrap the NDC and give its functions to the Health Ministry.

The NDC had a budget of $2,857,751 this year but in June Shadow Health Minister Michael Dunkley called for a probe after saying the NDC had failed to tackle Bermuda's drug addiction problem.

Mr. Dunkley said the quango, which distributes funds to various drug treatment agencies, also needed to be investigated for failing to disclose financial information for two years, something which had also angered Auditor General Larry Dennis.

In Friday's Throne Speech Government said the organisation had played a valuable role in directing Government's response to drug and alcohol abuse but services could be better assisted by the Health Ministry as it developed a comprehensive approach to prevention, counselling and rehabilitation.

The speech said the impact of drugs and crime on our young people was of grave concern and Government planned to organise a national conference on youth, crime and drug Issues involving local and overseas professionals and a cross section of the community to help develop solutions.

NDC CEO Dr. Don Philip could not be reached for comment while NDC chairman Reverend Andrew Doughty said he could not comment until Health Minister Patrice Minors had done so.