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Needy families get food

A generous donation over the Christmas period will provide more than 500 disadvantaged families with food through April, writes Heather Wood.

The Hands of Love Ministry was able to distribute groceries and turkeys to several of the island's needy families following a donation from two local organisations ¿ the Bank of Bermuda Foundation and Vallis and Butterfield. The pair partnered last year with the hope of helping the Hands of Love Ministry better assist families in need during the island's winter season.

"The Hands of Love Ministry has been very active within the community, helping those in need and we hope that with the help of our donation, they can continue to carry out their valuable works," said David Lang, director and secretary of the Bank of Bermuda Foundation.

"By partnering with Butterfield and Vallis we are able to donate funds in a different way ¿ in this case via a truck load of groceries."

The Foundation has been making similar donations on an annual basis, a bank spokesperson added.

"Every year, the Bank of Bermuda Foundation donates funds to organisations whose aim is to help and support disadvantaged members of our community. While this may be the time of year for giving, the Foundation is eager to support causes that continue to give beyond the holiday season. The substantial donation will enable the Hands of Love Ministry to continue providing meals and food to the homeless and needy beyond the holiday season and into April."