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New direction for tourism

Germany and Italy are top of Tourism?s list of countries to target in the future.In Friday?s Throne Speech, Government promised to target new European gateways in the coming year in attempts to attract more visitors to Bermuda.The move, expanding Tourism?s focus across the Atlantic from the North American East Coast, is one of ?a few? departures from consultant Elliot Ettenberg?s report on tourism embraced by former Tourism Minister Renee Webb, according to her replacement Ewart Brown.

Germany and Italy are top of Tourism?s list of countries to target in the future.

In Friday?s Throne Speech, Government promised to target new European gateways in the coming year in attempts to attract more visitors to Bermuda.

The move, expanding Tourism?s focus across the Atlantic from the North American East Coast, is one of ?a few? departures from consultant Elliot Ettenberg?s report on tourism embraced by former Tourism Minister Renee Webb, according to her replacement Ewart Brown.

The Ettenberg report, conducted last year by North American consultants Ettenberg & Company, Inc., called ? among other things ? for the Department to streamline its spending, allocating more funds for marketing in particular gateway cities on the East Coast.

Though Ms Webb promptly moved to make the recommendations a reality, Dr. Brown said yesterday that Tourism will be expanding its focus under his watch.

?Many Europeans have told us they want to come to Bermuda, but not have to come through London,? he said.

The PLP Government has been ?off and on? regarding their commitment to pursuing gateway cities in Europe, he admitted.

However, ?In this case, let me be very clear. We know that there is interest, especially in Germany and Italy, in flights to Bermuda.

?We also know the British Airways flights have a very healthy load factor ... It makes sense to look at those two particular countries.

?We are hoping for an energetic, productive contact with countries outside the UK.?

Milan and Frankfurt are two possible targets, he said, though the department will be keeping its options open.

As for what other recommendations in the Ettenberg report that Tourism may reject, Dr. Brown kept his cards close to his chest.

?I don?t want to disclose that right now,? he said. ?There were many good ideas in that report, and we?re executing some and rejecting others.?

The move does not mean the department will lessen its focus on North America, he said.

?We acknowledge that is where the bulk of our visitors come from,? Dr. Brown said, ?but under the current structure we haven?t been able to squeeze much out of that towel, so to speak.?

The Department will be moving towards increasing its effectiveness in North America, he said. ?We are looking for a creative way to penetrate the North American psyche ? to stop the rot.?