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Next Bond film to shoot here?

Local blogs and international websites are speculating that Bermuda is being considered for the next James Bond film.

Dr. Ewart Brown, the Minister of Tourism, toldthat his department had heard the rumours but had not received any ?official notification? about it. Casino Royale was originally expected to shoot in South Africa but limeyinbermuda.bm added a post to the website on Friday saying that Bermuda is also being considered.

James Bond related websites such as commanderbond.net and www.mi6.co.uk are also reporting that Bermuda is being considered as a location. Bahamas has also been named as a possible location for the new Bond movie.

Casino Royale has received a lot of press during the last year because Sony studios and the director Martin Campbell have not been able to agree on who will play James Bond in the film.

The movie is based on one of the earlier novels and takes a look at how James Bond began.

Oscar-nominated screenwriter Paul Haggis, who is currently polishing the script, told the Hollywood Reporter: ?We?re trying to reinvent Bond. He?s 28: no Q, no gadgets.?