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<Bt-4z36>Next up, a sci-fi thriller role for Biel

Q: I thought Jessica Biel was so gorgeous at the Golden Globe Awards. What will she be in next, and is she dating anybody? — L.D.

A: The actress, who impressed fashion-wise with her silvery gown at the awards show, co-stars with Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore in the upcoming sci-fi thriller Next<$>, and with Adam Sandler in the comedy I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry. She’s dating New York Yankees star shortstop Derek Jet

Q: What is actor Viggo Mortensen up to? I just saw him in A History of Violeand thought he was great. — A.S.

A:<$> He stars in an upcoming Spanish-language film called Alatriste, and is currently filming the thrir Eastern Promises<$>, with Naomi Watts. Set to follow: The World War Two drama <ood<$> and the Western Appaloosa, directed by, written by and co-starring Ed ris.

Q: I think it’s great that Sacha Baron Cohen won an award for Borat. Was that girl jumping up and down for him when he won the same one who was in Weddingashers? She looked very similar. — M.K.

A: Indeed, Cohen’s fiancée is actress Isla Fisher, who played the uninhibited sister who falls for Vince Vaughn’s character in that film. And given Fisher’s response to Cohen’s win, the character was not too different from her, apparently.

Q: Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt moved to New Orleans. Why? —.R.

A:<$> The two became very attached to the city while Pitt is on location there filming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. And as well-known humanitarians, they’ve become involved in efforts to revive the city post-Hurricane Katrina. Plus, as any visitor there knows, it is simply a beautiful place. They’ve apparently bought a $3 million mansion in the French Quarter and are looking into schools for their five-year-old s Maddox.

Q: Whatever happened to Jaclyn Smith? Is she still acting? — L.R.

A: She does some TV now and then — most recently, a TV movie called Ordinary Miracles. But she is set to host a new reality show on cable network Br. Called Shear Genius<$>, it will be a battle between hairstylists. It’s set to premiere this spring.

Q just saw Brokeback Mountain and was so impressed with actress Michelle Williams. What is she doing next? — K.F.

A: She co-stars in an upcoming independentama called The Hawk Is Dying; with Ethan Hawke in The Hottest State, which Hawke directed and wrote and which is based on his novel of the same name; in the aon-thriller The Tourist, with Ewan McGregor and Hugh Jackman; and with her real-life love Heath Ledger and a cast of other stars in I’m Not There, based on the life of Bob Dylan. She’s currently filming tfamily drama Where the Wild things Are;<$> and is set to portray author Charlotte Bront|0xeb| in the biographicfilm Bronte<$> and co-star with Philip Seymour Hoffman in the drama Sydoche, New York<$>.

Q: Is it true actor Steve Carell is to star in another show by Ricky Gervai— P.K.

A:<$> No. Gervais, who created The Office in the UK and then adapted it for the American version starring Carell, is considering doing the s with his comedy Extras<$>, which airs on HBO. He has said that he’d like Carell to do that show too, but since The Office has been renewed for another season, if that happens, it isn’t going be any time soon.

Q: I read that actress Jennifer Aniston is going to be the show Dirt. True? — W.S.

A: No; Aniston is appearing on the show because its star, Courteney Cox-Arquette, is her best friend. She’s set to appear on the March 27 season finale, playing a rival gossip editor. It’s possible that she could turn up again if the show is renewed, but nothing is set yet.

Q: Is it true actor Zach Braff is being treated for depression? — N.R.

A: Braff, star of TV’s Scrubs<$>, played a character who was suffering from a mild form of depression in film Garden State<$>, which he also directed. He has said that he’s not very dissimilar from that character and does suffer from a mild form of depression, but it isn’t debilitating and he’s continuing to work and, on TV, be funny.

Q: I think Alan Cumming is very funny. Can you say what he’ll be doing next? — J.R.

A: The impish Scottish actor, most famous for his rols Nightcrawler in the X-Men <$>films, co-stars in the upcng film Gray Matters<$>, provides a voice for the upcoming animated TV series Rick & Steve the Happiest GCouple in All the World <$>and is currently filming the animatJackboots on Whitehall<$>. Htars next in Coming Out<$>, opposite Catherine Zeta-Jones, playing a gay cabaret performer, to be followed by tanimated comedy Cat Tale<$>. He’s also directing and starring in the comedy Suffering Man’s Charity, co-starring Anne Heche and Carrie Fisher, and plans to stin a re-imagined version of The Wizard of Oz for the Sci Fi Channel, playing a character who is missing half of his brain. It’s scheduled to start production in March.