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Onika praised for good deed

A bus driver with just two years on the job got a pat on the back last week from Premier Ewart Brown for going beyond the call of duty to help two visitors. Onika Cross, 35, is credited with helping out the visitors who left their bag at a bus stop in Dockyard.

Ms Cross was on her route when it happened, called another driver for help, and got the bag brought to Hamilton on another bus.

When Ms Cross was done with her shift, she personally delivered the bag to the visitors? hotel because they were leaving the next day. The tourists were so pleased they got word to Premier Brown.

Last Wednesday he presented Ms Cross with a Certificate of Appreciation.

The Premier said: ?Sometimes people wonder what makes Bermuda special. When I?m on the road selling Bermuda, I mention things like this. It?s very likely that if you leave something in a taxi or on the bus that you will get it back intact.

?That says something about the character and honesty of Bermudians. And I want the world to know that this is part of the visitor experience in Bermuda.?