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Parents `need reassurance' following alleged sex attack

Police were last night continuing to investigate an alleged sexual assault on a pupil at one of the Island's middle schools.

The Royal Gazette understands that a girl at Spice Valley Middle School claimed she was indecently assaulted by two boys last Wednesday afternoon in the library as other students watched on.

Two boys are believed to have been suspended while inquiries are conducted.

Police media spokesman Dwayne Caines said: "Police are investigating an alleged sexual assault that is said to have taken place at one of the Island's middle schools.

"We would like to reassure the community that this matter is being taken very seriously and all the sensitivities surrounding the investigation are being taken into consideration."

But last night, Shadow Education Minister Tim Smith called on the Education Ministry to reassure parents, particularly those at Spice Valley.

He said, at the very least, parents needed to be assured that their children were safe and fully supervised in Bermuda's public schools.

"The incident of an alleged sexual assault at Spice Valley Middle School is very bad news," said Mr. Smith.

"An assault like this is a parent's worst nightmare. The incident raises serious questions about the care and supervision our children receive while at school.

"To date, I do not believe parents have been reassured that their children are indeed safe at school.

"I would have expected the parents of Spice Valley and, indeed, the parents of all our public schools, to have been told what safeguards have been put in place to protect the children."

Mr. Smith said parents needed to be reassured that teachers were present throughout the school day, whether in the classroom, library, dining all or playground.

"Equally, the children themselves need to be reassured that we, as adults, care enough about their safety," added Mr. Smith.

"We should be telling them what safeguards exist and what new safeguards have been put in place since last week to protect them.

"Little has been said and I believe this is a dereliction of duty and a serious breach of trust that so many parents each and every day place in our education system.

"I am appalled that not more has been said."

The Royal Gazette called the Education Ministry for comment on Friday, but nothing was forthcoming.