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Pearman prepares for TLA events in 2007

BERMUDA’S Dwayne Pearman will be making a concentrated effort this coming year on the Tour de la Americas (TLA) — a tour that Nationwide Tour player Michael Sims played after turning pro.Pearman, who has pretty much won every local title over the years in Bermuda, wants to test himself out in foreign fields on a more consistent basis.

Only recently Pearman played his first TLA event in Mexico but failed to make the cut after only arriving at the course the night before. But starting in early February Pearman plans to play three events in a row on the TLA circuit — the Colombia Masters at the Bogota Country Club, the Kai Fieberg Costa Rico Open at the Cariari Golf Club and then the Guatemala Open at the Hacienda Nueva Country Club.

They are all tournaments that Sims played a few years ago while on the TLA.

And Pearman has been picking Sims’ brain over the holidays. The two are good friends and have represented Bermuda a number of times while trying to qualify for the World Cup — and nearly doing so in October.

Although Pearman has over the years played in foreign events, he said that this coming year he will be giving himself more of a chance to stay out there and compete.“I have been playing just here and there before but this time I am going to get out there and play three tournaments at a time and then come back for a month and then get back out again. I can’t afford to stay out there the whole time but I am going to give it my best shot this year and play as much on the tour as I can,” he said adding, “I am not getting any younger at 44 but I do try and stay in shape.”

The Colombia Masters starts on February 1 and Pearman will probably give himself a little more time to get used to the course — and particularly the light air — than he did when he competed in his first TLA event in Mexico recently.

Of the Mexico event, Pearman said he only arrived the night before the tournament began and then the next morning had to search the club for a caddie who spoke some English.

“I did find one and he was a nice guy. It was a good experience although it took a little getting used to the light air. If I normally would hit a nine iron into the green out there I would have to use a pitching wedge — those type of things. You have to be able to adjust. But it was a great experience and since I haven’t really been playing that much (in tournaments) I was happy with the way I played — especially the first round when I was one over. This past year has been a quiet year for me and I haven’t shot a lot under par because I haven’t been playing a lot. I know it will come and I will work my way back.”

Pearman said the TLA events “will be a test for me”.

He added: “Over the years Bermuda (tournaments) has been pretty good for me but now it is time to strike out a bit — I need to stretch out a bit more.”

Of the TLA, he said: “It is a well put together tour and a great experience. There are a number of guys trying to get their card for the European Tour and also guys from the European Tour and Challenge Tour competing.”

Of picking Sims’ brain for tips on the TLA events, he said: “He has given me a few things but we will talk more over the holidays.”

And of Sims earning his card for the Nationwide Tour after Q School this year, no one could be more happier than his friend Pearman.

“It was beautiful. He has been out there for a few years and I know he got a bit frustrated a few times but he came good. He has the game for it and one of the best swings I have seen — even among the (PGA) tour players. I know that the swing is not everything but you have to have it. He is definitely on his way.”