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People split over fate of Premier

Members of the community gave a mixed response yesterday to whether or not Premier and Progressive Labour Party leader Jennifer Smith should stay or go.

While some people spoke out in favour of Ms Smith, and talked highly of her performance so far in leading Bermuda, about 50 percent said they were unhappy, and some even went so far as to say they had been completely turned off the PLP.

By co-incidence, just about everyone interviewed was black Bermudian. Only one of about 15 people questioned was white.

And where the majority of those in support of the embattled leader were happy to give their names, the majority of those against were not.

Clarita Parker, 66, from St. David's, she she voted PLP at the last election and would vote for them again.

She said: "I think the Premier should stay - she has done a lot of good. If she did resign, I don't know who would take her place."

When asked about the Premier's right-hand man, Colonel David Burch, she said: "I don't like him - the way he goes about. He could go."

Art director Danya Nearon, 26, from Pembroke, and Chiara Nannini, 22, a student from Sandys, said they believed the Premier should be given more of a chance.

Mr. Nearon said: "I don't think people will vote her in again if she is not doing her job. I'm not happy with everything she has done, but things take time to change."

However, one 28-year-old man from Southampton, who would not be named, said: "She needs to go. Everyone reaches a stage where they need to go.

"I think they need to revamp the whole party. There is no point getting rid of the Premier if everyone else stays behind. And the Colonel is the Premier's right hand man, if she goes, he should go, too.

"I voted for the PLP last time, but I won't vote for them again. It's the same old, same old.

"We weren't in debt four years ago, but we are now, and we go from the third richest country to the tenth or 11th in four years? "No body likes their money mismanaged by anyone. I don't think I will vote for anybody next time."

A 27-year-old woman from Somerset said: "I think both parties suck. I voted for the PLP last time, but I'm not sure who I will vote for next time. Nothing is going the way it should be going. I have been disappointed."

A number of people suggested Paula Cox would be a good Premier, but Dale Butler was also on the A list more than once.

One 29-year-old woman from St. George's said she believed the Premier, who is her MP, should resign and make room for Paula Cox.

The woman said: "It's time she stepped down. She has been a very distant leader and I don't think she has kept her promises. I feel let down.

"I voted for them, but I wouldn't vote for them again. I don't know who I will vote for, I will have to see the platform of the United Bermuda Party.

"And Colonel Burch needs to go, too. He seems to say a lot of embarrassing things."

Dawn Smith, 32, from Pembroke, said: "The Premier should stay. We have not given her a chance to do her job. But, if she did go, I would say Terry Lister should be her replacement."