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Perozzi wants to KO the 'Queen Bee'

TERESA Perozzi makes no bones about it ¿ she's out for blood as she prepares for the biggest fight of her life tonight against undefeated world champ Natasha Ragosina.

Calculating a knock-out is needed to convince home judges in Ragosina's adopted Germany, Perozzi said her opponent is one of the glamour figures of women's boxing.

"She's a huge deal. She's also done some nude photos ¿ I don't know how nude it was but I heard it was pretty nude. She does modeling. She has never ever had a bruise on her face, she really protects her face.

"I have all the respect for her in the world as a fighter ¿ but once you are in the ring that's what it's all about ¿ I would love to see some blood there."

Glamour modeling is not something Perozzi is keen to copy but she notes the pair have much in common ¿ they are both educated mothers and more feminine-looking than some of their colleagues in the sport.

But Ragosina will have home advantage, something Perozzi is determined will not daunt her.

This week she got tips from Akondaye Fountain who Ragosina beat in December.

"She basically told me everything which was my game plan anyway. She told me this girl is a big deal over there, don't let it intimidate you or get you down.

"They will try to intimidate you, she's what they call the Queen Bee, so let that slide over your head and do what you've got to do in the ring."

Fountain told Perozzi another thing she already knows ¿ any doubt and the home girl will get the decision which is why she is aiming for a knockout blow.

"She said her mistake was not throwing enough punches. So I have to be the aggressor and hopefully get a knockout."

Perozzi has studied a tape of the Fountain/Ragosina fight. "It seemed kind of boring, I am a much more exciting fighter. Even the crowd was very civilised and quiet.

"But basically Fountain couldn't get in, that's what Ragosina relies on, her one-two-three which keeps you on the outside. She moves constantly.

"She hasn't fought anyone as aggressive as me. I know that because I know every opponent she has fought. I am feeling more and more confident. And I like being the underdog."

Perozzi arrived in Germany this week after spending more than a week training in the States.

She believes she peaked in training on Sunday with another solid ten rounds and now the goal is to keep up the momentum as she gets used to the longer bouts

Speaking as she wrapped her training in a cold New Jersey which boasts a ring a similar size to the large arena tonight's fight is in, she said: "I don't want to be out here. We don't have everything in place I need. We have been away for one week. It is not the kind of training camp I would have put together. It is certainly not enough.

"It's winter here so I can't go out for a five-mile run. I wish I was home. But the ring work I am getting is better than at home and I am getting rest which I really need. I will be stronger. I tend to run myself down a lot with go, go, go, and then I am exhausted."

Only her nagging self doubt can stop her, says Perozzi. "How can I be the one to beat her when 16 others haven't. Why me?"

But thankfully conditioning coach Yves Paul is helping her with the motivational stuff. Paul arrived in Germany on Tuesday to scope the place out for places to run and meditate.

Perozzi says she is more concerned about the health of Bermuda boxing than personal glory and she hopes a win can galvanise Government into making good on a two-year old promise to create a boxing training venue at Admiralty House.

She believes sponsors would chip in with equipment if she triumphs. "I would love to get a training camp for Bermuda, that's really my main goal."

And a triumph against the world champ would mean an automatic re-match. "She will come back better and stronger. To be honest I don't have a goal. This could be my last fight or I could do two more years. I just take one fight at a time. I never thought I would even get this far with it."