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Pettingill leaps to Furbert's defence

United Bermuda Candidate Mark Pettingill has leapt to the defence of under-fire leader Wayne Furbert and believes the Opposition can win the next election.

In Wednesday?s Government backbenchers Renee Webb and Glenn Blakeney had said Mr. Furbert would be no match for new Premier Ewart Brown as they called for an early election to capitalise on his popularity. But Mr. Pettingill, who will fight Warwick West at the next election, said his party was very much still in it, despite its low showing in the polls.

A September survey showed 31 per cent of those polled plumping for the ruling party and 27 per cent throwing their weight behind the Opposition.

But Mr. Pettingill said there were still so many undecideds who could be wooed by a better programme. Comparing the two leaders he said Mr. Furbert had more depth. ?It?s better to have a better listener than a better speaker. He listens and he thinks. Wayne Furbert is not all about Wayne Furbert.?

Deputy leader Michael Dunkley also rang this paper to voice support for Mr. Furbert and said he was not daunted by the prospects of taking on the PLP under Dr. Brown.