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PFIC chairman: Finance Minister has ultimate control over pension funds

Public Funds Investment Committee chairman Calvin White said yesterday he is not concerned about the accusations swirling around Deputy Premier Ewart Brown, Government?s pension funds consultant Tina Poitevien and the 2002 Washington luncheon.

Guests invited to the luncheon paid $2,500 towards Dr. Brown?s personal 2003 General Election campaign. Attempts by to obtain an accurate list of the guests at the luncheon have been denied by Ms Poitevien?s firm Fiduciary Investment Solutions (FIS) and Dr. Brown himself. While FIS has described those attending the luncheon as ?close, personal friends? of Dr. Brown and his wife, Wanda Henton, Mid-Ocean News sources have described them as current or potential money managers and stockbrokers of the Bermuda pension funds ? leading Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons to term the lunch ?a shocking example of pay-to-play?.

Though maintaining that he ?really can?t comment on the allegations?, Mr. White told last night that a ?very rigorous process? is in place ensuring that, in the end, the Minister of Finance has ultimate control over the pension funds. When it was put to him that Ms Poitevien must have some influence over the funds as the consultant to the PFIC, he said he would check with the Ministry of Finance regarding sending through a copy of the process ? including all checks and balances ? to .

As for the Washington luncheon itself, Mr. White, who was not at the luncheon, said all he knew about it was what he had read in the Press. Based on that, he defended Dr. Brown yesterday. ?I think that, given the circumstances as I understand them (from the Press), that given the relationship between Dr. Brown?s then-fiancee and the pension fund consultant, that this was a genuinely innocent attempt to assist a friend with achieving his political vision in Bermuda.

?It is unfortunate that it has spiralled to the level it has.?

Mr. White has been to another function organised by Ms Poitevien, a birthday party for one of her work colleagues at her Philadelphia home ? something he said was purely a ?social function?.

He also said last night that the PFIC is ?happy? to cooperate with the independent pension funds governance review launched by the Ministry of Finance.

Yesterday the Ministry said it was unsure when the review would be completed.