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Pit Bull owner speaks out

The owner of a Pit Bull terrier that bit a Belco employee on Thursday said workers were warned not to come into his backyard.

The Warwick man, who did not want be identified, recounted what happened.

"I called Belco to report a problem and I informed the dispatcher that the workers should come to the front door.

"The reason I told them this was because we have several meters in the backyard and they would not have known which one was causing the problem."

The father of two toddlers admits that he did not tell the company about the dog because he thought they would follow instructions.

According to Linda Smith, manager of corporate communications at Belco, two employees were tending to a call at Warwick Park.

When they approached the southern side of the residence, a Pit Bull attacked one of the workers, biting him on the leg and other parts of his body.

The attack was the second such incident involving a Pit Bull this week. On Monday, postal worker Margaret Pitt was pounced upon as she delivered mail in a Pembroke neighbourhood.

The man, who was home at the time, said he did not realise the Belco workers were in his yard until he heard a man screaming for help. When he got outside, the worker had the dog by the collar and he helped get the animal off him.

He insists that the ten-year-old dog is not dangerous.

"My children who are two and three and have been around this dog their whole lives and there's never been any sort of incident like this.

"The dog has been trained by a professional and is well taken care of. I have never mistreated him," he said.

He believes that the dog may have attacked the worker out of suspicion.

"Someone had been sneaking around my house at night and I think the dog may have reacted from this."

Expressing remorse over the situation, the man said that he was extremely sorry that the worker was bitten.

"I am very upset. I wish that this whole thing had never happened."

Contrary to reports, the man insisted that the dog was not running loose. He said it had been tied up and broke the lead.

He said: "The dog was always tied up and never left the yard, unless he was being walked by me on a leash."

The man voluntarily gave the dog to the authorities while an investigation is being completed. He says that once it is returned, he is going to get rid of it.

"Since it has bitten someone, I don't want to take the chance of having it around my children.

"Hopefully, I can sell it or give it to someone who is going to give it a good home."