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PLP rejects further changes to Bermuda Constitution

The ruling party will not be seeking any further changes to the Constitution until Bermuda is ready to move to Independence.

And, according to a summary of its submission to the Governor on constitutional change, the current process for change is "clear, transparent and in keeping with democratic practice".

The party released a summary of its submission yesterday.

"The precedent already established by the UK government with Bermuda and its former colonies, when considering constitutional amendment is clear, transparent and in keeping with democratic practice," the document says. "The elected government having received a mandate from the majority of voters is the most suitable institution to have the authority to initiate the process of constitutional amendments in partnership with HMG (the British Government).

"We reject any effort to amend the constitution to entrench a procedure for future constitutional amendments whether consequential or substantive. We will not consider further amendment to the Constitution until such time as Bermuda is ready to move to Independence."

The summary goes on to say that "any call for a constitutional conference by HMG shall be first discussed with the Bermuda Government, in keeping with the principle of partnership."

A statement attached to the summary provided by the Progressive Labour Party said that the party had engaged in "exhaustive consultations" among the membership before coming to a position.

"The membership upon setting it aside and assigning it its proper time of deliberation feel they have achieved a fair, insightful and constructive document that speaks to their want and desires in keeping with this great country of ours," the party statement says.

"Therefore our position is clear and remains as a result of party ratification. It is our hope that the procedures and directives will be seen, as we see them, a complete benefit to Bermuda, its Governments and in line with the preservation of the rights and privileges enjoyed by every Bermudian."