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Police: Gibbings was murdered

Police investigating the murder of Marcus Gibbings have not questioned any suspect.The officer heading the investigation said yesterday that a number of people ?of interest to the inquiry? had been interviewed about the death of the 32-year-old Trinidadian in his Devonshire apartment on October 26.

Police investigating the murder of Marcus Gibbings have not questioned any suspect.

The officer heading the investigation said yesterday that a number of people ?of interest to the inquiry? had been interviewed about the death of the 32-year-old Trinidadian in his Devonshire apartment on October 26.

But Acting Det. Insp. Robert Cardwell of the Serious Crime Unit added: ?No suspects have been generated as of yet.?

Addressing a press conference yesterday afternoon, A/Insp. Cardwell confirmed for the first time that the Police are treating Mr. Gibbings? death as murder. He said he died as the result of a wound inflicted by ?a bladed weapon,? but declined to give details of what type of weapon.

He said 15 detectives plus other officers were working the case, and appealed for anyone who saw or spoke with the victim between 8 p.m. on Wednesday October 25 and noon the following day to contact the Police.

He and Assistant Commissioner of Police Bryan Bell declined to answer a number of other questions, saying that the investigation was ?in its infancy? and that releasing information could hinder it.

They would not speak about who they had questioned, or comment on speculation in the Trinidad and Tobago Express that the father-of-three was in the process of getting a divorce and may have been in an altercation with someone he knew.

A caller to the responding to the foreign report has claimed that Mr. Gibbings? divorce was completed a number of years ago. Gary Moreno of ZBM television said associates and friends of the victim alleged that information brought to the Police had not been acted upon.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Bryan Bell said there was ?certainly no foundation? to this.

?I don?t know where that comment has come from but let me reassure all of the community out there, including his friends and family, that all matters that are pertinent to the investigation will be thoroughly investigated,? he said.

Mr. Bell said the scene of the murder in Derwent Lane continued to be investigated, with a pathologist and forensic expert flown in from the USA to assist with this. Anyone with information that could assist the Police should phone the investigation team at 299-4239 or Crimestoppers on 1-800-623-8477.

A memorial service for Mr. Gibbings will be held at St. Theresa?s Cathedral tomorrow at 4 p.m. The service has been organised by his employer CCS ? a Hamilton IT communications firm ? along with close friends.

After the memorial, Mr. Gibbings? body will be flown back to Trinidad for a service and burial on November 8.