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Police lose accident record

The Police Service has been left scrambling to investigate an accident on a pedestrian crossing three months ago which left an elderly woman with $7,000 in hospital bills.

Thelma Lovell says she is frustrated and fed up after being told there is no record of her being run over by a taxi in front of the Rego Building on Reid Street on March 31. The Police Service?s explanation is not good enough, the Alexandra Road, Prospect resident said, adding: ?I have a month of bills to pay.?

She says the taxi driver stopped and called the Police, though he told her it was her fault because she ?looked the other way? when she crossed the street.

Ms Lovell told she has no idea how the driver did not see her. According to Ms Lovell the fire department arrived first, quickly followed by Police. A crowd also formed.

In pain as she waited for an ambulance, she failed to get the taxi driver?s name.

He did offer to take her to the hospital, but Ms Lovell says an officer told him: ?No, you?ve done enough already.?

She also saw an officer taking down the taxi drivers? information.

She was discharged later that day, but returned a few days later because the wound on her right leg had become infected.

Diabetes exacerbated her wound and caused her to remain in the hospital from April 6 till May 14.

Soon after her discharge, Ms Lovell went to the Hamilton Police Station to find out the name of the taxi driver, to get compensation.

However, an officer told her there was nothing in the system under her name.

Ms Lovell says she asked to speak to a sergeant ? who she could see through a window ? but the female officer repeated ?there is nothing in the system? and refused to summon a higher ranked officer.

?I don?t understand what happened, a lot of people saw it. How can nothing be in the computer? Something fishy is going on,? the exasperated senior told .

When contacted, Police spokesman Dwayne Caines could not find a report of the incident, but he did say: ?Bermuda Police Service is aware of an incident that took place. We are working to ensure the appropriate resolutions are made.?

Dana Lovell, the fire department spokesman, said he does have a record of his department attending the accident on March 31 outside the Rego building.

Mr. Lovell said they received the call from Police, who did not provide ?salient details? about the accident or the names of people involved.

By coming to Ms Lovell hopes somebody will remember seeing the accident on March 31, 2005 and might remember the taxi registration or the drivers name.

Police reports are supposed to remain in their computer system for six months.