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Police make muggings top priority

Government is calling on the community to take a "strong stand" against violent crime in the wake of two robberies this week.

And Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith yesterday reassured the public that the investigations into the robberies were being given the highest priority and that Police had been working with hotels to help them beef up their security arrangements.

At a joint press conference with Public Safety Minister Paula Cox, Commissioner Smith renewed a call for assistance with the investigations.

On Sunday night a man brutally attacked and robbed a 68 year old visitor of his wallet outside the Fairmont Hamilton Princess hotel on Pitts Bay Road. And at around 6 a.m. on Monday morning, barely six hours later, a security guard at the Newstead Hotel on Harbour Road was viciously attacked and also robbed of his wallet.

"A member of the public assisted the victim outside of the hotel on Pitts Bay Road and we would like that person to call the Serious Crimes unit at 295-0011," said the Police Commissioner.

"Also we appeal to the driver of a car travelling away from Hamilton on Pitts Bay Road at about 11.25 p.m. on Sunday night to call the Serious Crimes Unit. We believe the driver of this car may have information concerning a second incident that occurred on Pitts Bay Road between a potential victim on one bike and a suspect on another bike."

Alternatively, people who may have useful information can call the Crimestoppers hotline at 1 800 623 8477.

Police have received brief descriptions of the attackers from both victims. Asked why the descriptions have not been released, spokesman Coleman Easton said : "For operational reasons, Police have to withhold certain pieces of information that may be crucial to the investigations."

A team of ten Serious Crime Unit investigators under Detective Chief Inspector Kirby have been working on the investigation with assistance from the Police Support Unit. Two men are assisting Police.

The Commissioner said it was "too early to tell" whether the Newstead and Pitts Bay Road robberies were linked or whether they might be drug related.

But he said `'we believe there might be a connection" between the two Pitts Bay Road incidents which occurred within half an hour of each other.

"As these offences occurred at or near hotel properties we have established contact with the security teams at other hotel properties and there has been an exchange of information designed to enhance safety at those premises and also to provide us with information that might assist these investigations," said Mr. Smith.

Ms. Cox strongly condemned the "heinous acts of violence" saying Government was "justifiably disgusted".

"We resolve to do all within our power to bring the perpetrators of these vile acts to justice," she said.

"Criminal activity of this kind is abhorrent at the best of times, for it undermines the very fabric of our community," Ms Cox said.

"We know Bermuda to be a safe and welcoming Island, where residents and visitors alike are usually treated with civility and respect. Indiscriminate acts of violence distort this picture immeasurably, sometimes irreparably.

"Therefore, all of us - Government, the Police Service and every member of the community - must take a strong stand against altogether unacceptable behaviour of this kind. Working together we can, we must eradicate these ills from our society."