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Police motorcyclists go through their paces

Speeding motorbike Police racing along East Broadway with sirens blazing throughout yesterday were not on a desperate hunt for criminals but just taking part in a course.

Police media spokesman Dwayne Caines said the four officers were on the last stages of training, led by two instructors.

One member of the public told The Royal Gazette: "It's been going on all day. It's doing my head in."

Mr. Caines said the course would run until Friday but officers may well use other locations.

He also revealed that Police raised $380 for Government by selling confiscated alcohol at the Police recreation club on Friday.

He said: "Between eight and ten people attended and took advantage of the discount booze."

All the money will go into Government's Consolidated Fund.

The haul was seized in a raid on a house on Union Street in Pembroke known as Pear Tree earlier this month.