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Politicians get a raise

MPs last night voted themselves a raise which was in line with the cost of living.Opposition Whip John Barritt reminded MPs that the increase did not come from MPs, but from a bi-partisan committee set up in 1995. That committee decided by a majority recommendation that future politicians would have their salaries decided by the cost of living increase, he said.

MPs last night voted themselves a raise which was in line with the cost of living.

Opposition Whip John Barritt reminded MPs that the increase did not come from MPs, but from a bi-partisan committee set up in 1995. That committee decided by a majority recommendation that future politicians would have their salaries decided by the cost of living increase, he said.

MP?s salaries will increase from $36,454 to $37,730 as of April 1. Senators? salaries go up from $24,304 to $25,155.

Ministers, some Senators and whips also get extra payments on top of their salaries.

They are: Senate President, $12,576 (from $12,151); the Speaker of the House of Assembly $22,010 ($21,266); Senate vice-President $2,740 ($,2647); Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly $11.005 ($10,633); Premier $69,173 ($66,834); Deputy Premier $47,163 ($45,568); Minister of Finance $53,453 ($51,645); Attorney General $105,506 ($101,938); other ministers in the House of Assembly and Senate $37,730 ($36,454); Opposition Leader $25,155 ($24,304); junior House of Assembly ministers $9,433 ($9,114; junior Senate ministers $9,464 ($9,114); and party whips $6,290 ($6,077).