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Premier denies plans to shift DeVent out of Housing Ministry

Rumours that Premier Alex Scott is looking to fire Housing Minister Ashfield DeVent are ?absolutely untrue?, Mr. Scott stated on Thursday night.

Though VSB reported the rumour on Wednesday night, both the Premier and Director of the Department of Communication and Information Beverle Lottimore said on Thursday they did not know where it was coming from.

VSB declared the shift was being considered after Mr. DeVent showed a lack of leadership in managing the Bermuda Homes for People project at Southside, a project recently exposed as insolvent.

However on Thursday the Premier stronly denounced the rumour, adding he felt uncomfortable speaking with about it as it seemed to be creating a story.

Ms Lottimore also strongly denied the rumour on Thursday.

?It is certainly unfounded,? she said. ?The Premier is not kicking Minister DeVent out, is not moving Minister DeVent, has not asked Minister DeVent to step down.

?Housing in Bermuda is being managed. The BHP has been managed and as long as housing is addressed and the people?s needs are being met then there is no change to take place.?