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Premier's son Kevin promotes business opportunities in the 'tax-free haven' of Bermuda

THE organisation which cashed in as a result of last Saturday's charity gambling night at the Playboy Mansion was set up by medical practitioner Kevin Brown "to provide direct care, medicine and medical equipment in response to natural and man-made disasters", writes Gareth Finighan.

According to the Urban Health Institute's web site, the charity ¿ which is run out of Dr. Brown's medical practice in Los Angeles ¿ provides free seminars on health education, takes part in health fairs and provides medical exams and medicines to the needy. It has sent health care professionals to work with the poor in Nigeria and Belize and also provided volunteers to work in New Orleans, Louisiana after the city was ripped apart by Hurricane Katrina.

"The organisation enlists pro-bono participation from local health care professionals to provide public health education and information about the availability of health-related and specialty care resources within disadvantaged communities around the globe," the web site states.

"Our mission is to provide free health services and education to people who may otherwise have no access to healthcare and to provide assistance in the face of natural disasters."

Dr. Brown is also registered as a member of the Board of Advisers at Sherwood Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. ¿ an independent business advisory firm operating out of Los Angeles and India which promotes business opportunities in "the tax-free haven" of Bermuda.

According to that company's web site, Sherwood "has the expertise and international resources in offering:

q Advising on fundraising, listing on stock exchanges in US, UK and Germany for small and medium sized Indian Private Limited Companies.

q Consulting for Private Equity, Venture Capital firms. Services include: Creating deal flow, Advising on M&A, overseeing investments, managing liquidations.

q Hosting India specific/industry specific investment conferences in US, enabling companies to present to an audience that includes large and small investment banks, private equity funds, analysts, stock brokers, high net worth individuals and others.

q Advising on Channel Partnering, largely in US, India and Bermuda.

q Consulting on off-shore registrations, asset protection, utilisation of Bermuda, a tax free haven."

The web site names Dr. Kevin Brown as one of five company advisors who "advises on investments, tourism and other opportunities in Bermuda. Dr. Kevin Brown is also the son of the Premier (Prime Minister) of Bermuda, Dr Ewart Brown".