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Private sector signs on for student employment programme

The Government?s Summer Employment Programme got underway last month with the placement of some 165 college and university students who returned home for the summer.

The programme also placed 100 senior secondary school students within Government, as well as the private sector.

A record number of 66 companies are participating this year, compared to only seven last year, offering a total of 81 jobs. told the House of Assembly that college students commenced their employment on June 24, while senior secondary students will start work on Monday.

He said college students will work for a total of eight weeks each, with a salary of $450 a week and secondary level students would work for a total of five weeks with a salary of $300 a week.

?All funds earned by Summer Employment Programme students assigned to Government Departments will be deposited directly into their bank accounts.

The private sector has been apprised of the practice in this regard and has been strongly encouraged to follow the Government?s example. Additionally students assigned to the private sector will be entitled to work for a maximum of eight weeks,? he said.

Mr. Horton said it was important to make the point that all participants in the Summer Employment Programme are required to attend mandatory orientation sessions.

At these sessions, students are informed of all relevant work-related issues, pertinent Government policies and expectations of the receiving Government Department or private sector organisation with respect to behaviour, time-keeping in particular, dress and deportment.

?In addition, the co-ordinator and supervisors for the Summer Education Programme 2005 have met with representatives of the various Government Departments and private sector organisations, advising them with respect to their roles and expectations as employers,? he said.

Mr. Horton said these briefing sessions were also an opportunity for the supervisors and co-ordinators to share some of their concerns from previous years in the programme.

The same kind of concerns were also addressed during the orientation session for participants, thereby contributing to a more harmonious and productive working relationship with students, supervisors and employers.

?A special feature of the Summer Employment Programme 2005 is the heartening participation of the private sector, a most encouraging improvement over last year. In fact, this year?s response from the private sector has been the best in the history of the Summer Employment Programme,? he said.

Mr. Horton added that among this select group of employers are Argus Insurance, Catlin Insurance Ltd, Arch Reinsurance, Appleby Spurling and Hunter, Scottish Re, Conyers Dill and Pearman, Bermuda Offshore Investment, Grotto Bay Beach Resort, Elbow Beach, the Mid-Ocean Club, Little Venice Group, Frog and Onion, Freeport Gardens, Ice Queen, Oleander Cycles, Bermuda Air Conditioning, Dynamic Excavating, Sousa?s Landscaping, CableVision and Eve?s Cycles ? to mention but a few.

He said participating youngsters gain valuable experience in areas as diverse as architecture, accounting, clerical work, law, maintenance, research work and computer technology.

?It is our belief that participants will not only expand their knowledge and experience base as a result of these placements, but that they will enjoy themselves as well,? he said.

As for the employers, Mr. Horton said they were investing in the future of young Bermudians.