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Pro-Active have yet to be paid

Despite an agreement between Government and Pro-Active Management Systems, the construction company has not received payment for work done on the new senior secondary school for the month of July, Opposition MP Maxwell Burgess said on Monday.

Pro-Active?s contract to build the new senior secondary school was abruptly terminated in August after Government cited concerns the school would not be completed by an agreed, revised completion date.

While the claim of wrongful termination has gone to arbitration, some issues were resolved during mediation between Government and the Bermuda Industrial Union last month.

The BIU owns Union Asset Holdings, the company which provided the completion bond for the project.

One of those outstanding issues regarded payment for the month of July.

?They agreed that payment for the July work would be dispersed,? Mr. Burgess said. ?To date that sum hasn?t been dispersed.

?The question is, where is the meat out of that mediation? This is a Government who wants to have a social agenda with no real social conscience.?

Without the money, all those doing business with Pro-Active ? sub-contractors and suppliers, for example ? are hurting, he said.

?It puts a strain on a tried and tested process,? he said. ?Everybody acted in good faith. Without the result being executed, it speaks to Government having good lyrics but not having good conscience.?

A response from the Department of Communication and Information, which was requested last week, has not been issued.

Mr. Burgess? company, Max Environmental Solutions, was awarded the $500,000 contract to install a sewage treatment facility at the new senior secondary school in September.