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Promises you should keep in 2009 ...

EVERY year people make promises to themselves at the start of January. Resolving to get to the gym, read more books or cut down on snack foods are just some of the typical committments that one hears in the New Year. Being that we are in a full blown global recession, however, may alter people's mindset leading them to make resolutions that have more meaning that just wanting to lose that extra five or ten pounds gained over the holidays. If you are looking to adopt a different mantra this year, here is some advice from the island's leading financial, health, law enforcement, addiction and fitness experts.

Always make sure that you have enough assets in very low-risk easily obtainable liquid structures to cover your contingency plans.

Diversification is extremely important - in investments, financial institutions, currency, real estate, careers (i.e., both spouses should not be working for same company).

Some families (with small children) go so far as to never have both parents travel on the same plane. Diversifying to minimise risk of loss does work.

Martha Harris Myron, CPA, CFP, TEP

Senior Wealth Manager, Argus Financial Limited

As a physician, the top resolution that I would wish people to adopt in the coming year(s) is being responsible for their health by adopting pro-active practices. The reason behind this is through my belief that anticipatory medicine, otherwise known as preventative medicine, helps to head off dis-eases before they occur. Also, by being pro-active, we all can work in partnership with our physicians, not only to enjoy better health, but also to tremendously cut down the ever-rising cost crippling of healthcare provision.

Femi Bada, MD

Integrated Medical Practice

Drive with care, courtesy and caution and a greater respect for other road users.

Michael DeSilva

Deputy Commissioner of Police

My foremost resolution would be that we develop a deeper understanding and commitment to our individual physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In doing so we position ourselves to collectively support and respond to the needs of our community at large, with a shared sense of purpose - the betterment of Bermuda and all her people.

Gita Blakeney Saltus

Regional Vice President, Caron Bermuda

I would ask that people make a commitment to health and wellness. It's not just about what you eat but also what you do, including lowering your alcohol intake, eat more whole foods but also taking up more exercise.

I encourage people to become more active as a family - instead of taking the kids to soccer practice, actually play soccer with them.

Dawn Berry Supervisor

Magnum Power Force Gym

2009 will be celebrated as Bermuda's 400th Anniversary.

Keep Bermuda Beautiful hopes that everyone living here will remember that, in this age of disposables and super packaging, we must make that extra effort to make sure these unwanted items are disposed of properly allowing the Corporations, Parks and Waste Management to do their job of collection efficiently and well.

A clean, litter-free environment is lovelier, healthier and psychologically more beneficial for each and everyone.

To Keep Bermuda Beautiful in every way should be our ambition and our goal – most especially in 2009.

Susan Harvey

President of KBB