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Pushing for a parish

Suzann Holshouser
Should St. David's become the Island's tenth parish?Ask St. David's Islander and new MP Suzann Roberts Holshouser and the answer is a resounding yes. Not surprising. She was voted into Parliament as the United Bermuda Party's MP for St. David's in July and is hoping to bring the debate before the House of Assembly.

Should St. David's become the Island's tenth parish?

Ask St. David's Islander and new MP Suzann Roberts Holshouser and the answer is a resounding yes. Not surprising. She was voted into Parliament as the United Bermuda Party's MP for St. David's in July and is hoping to bring the debate before the House of Assembly.

Ask the rest of Bermuda and the response is mixed.

That was the finding this week of a non-scientific survey by The Royal Gazette.

Local historian William S. Zuill said St. David's had been separated in the past, adding he did not think it was a bad idea that the community became its own parish.

“Back with the Bermuda Company, when the Island was first being settled, that area was called the General Land.

“It was St. George's and St. David's but the land was different from the other parishes. It doesn't seem to be a bad idea.”

Ruth-Ella Smith, who lives in Pembroke, said: “I think it's a good idea because they are like their own parish.”

She said St. David's was already “kind of independent' with its own supermarket and, she believed, a post office.

“It's almost like they've been segregated without being a parish.”

Don Falkard, from Southampton, was in agreement. “If the community can support it and the issues in St. David's are that different from St. George's then it's a good idea.”

Some people supported independence for St. David's but wondered what difference calling the community a parish would be.

“It's a good idea but I don't know what change it will bring, but if the legislation can be worked out it will be a good shot in the arm,” said Greg Johnson, from Hamilton Parish.

One family, who has lived in St. David's their whole lives, also wondered what difference would be made if St. David's became the tenth parish.

John C.D. O'Conner and his mother Betty O'Conner asked what the change would do for St. David's.

Said Mr. O'Conner: “You've got a lot of people coming into this community that was built on respect and doing for one another. And it seems as if in the last couple of years we've lost that.

“Children used to be able to go into people's houses if they were thirsty after playing and have a drink but you can't do that today.

“We were once only among ourselves here.”

Mrs. O'Conner said: “I don't see why they want to have a parish. It's true that it (St. David's) has been on its own but I'm not sure how it will change things. What else can be changed about it, what difference can it make.”

But Mr. O'Conner said times had changed and added: “It could be a good thing for the children who are coming up today.

“But it's sad that some of that old St. David's is lost.”

And for some like Gloria-Lee Franklin, who is from St. David's, the prospect of a parish was met with relish.

“It would be lovely for St. David's to be a parish.

“It's like we're separated from everything else, it's like our own separated place,” she said.

See Peter Woolcock's cartoon, Page 4.